The Biology of Belief
“The moment you change your perception, is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body” - Bruce Lipton
What a powerful thought! The thought that truly changed the way I view life, death, health and dis-ease. Dr. Bruce Lipton is a world renowned cell biologist and pioneer in the field of Epigenetics. His work is what ultimately led me to PSYCH-K®, one of the most efficient subconscious reprogramming tools available to us today.
What is Epigenetics?
“Epi” means above. Literally, this means control above the genes. In other words, our perception of the environment changes genetic activity. Therefore, you are not a victim of your genes. You can go from victim to master, genetics to epigenetics.
“Current research emphasizes that less than 10%, and perhaps closer to only 1%, of all diseases are actually due to genes. In fact, there are only six major disorders that are controlled by a single gene, which include cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, Huntington’s disease, Tay-Sachs disease, hereditary hemochromatosis, and Marfan syndrome. In light of this fact, the most profoundly important question to ask is, “Where does 90%, or more, of disease come from?” Answer, “Our own minds.”
Epigenetic changes are the chemical modifications that occur in our cells as result of an event(or even a repetitive thought). Signals from the environment operate through the cell membrane controlling the behavior and physiology of the cell, which in turn affects DNA. Perception determines the response to our environment, emotion and experience - which can activate or silence a gene.
Your beliefs make up the subconscious mind, which is largely programmed from the ages of 0-7 when our brain waves are in a Theta state (similar to hypnosis). Our mind holds onto the beliefs developed (often unconsciously acquired from family, doctors, society) before the age of seven. Therefore, if you are repetitively told you are “sick” or predisposed to disease, this will likely become your reality unless the programs are updated.
As a baby and child with a memory of many health issues and doctors visits, I can 100 percent confirm this to be true. It took many years for me to become fully aware of this concept and a strong commitment to actively rewrite this programming. Your subconscious beliefs (95% of total consciousness) create the blueprint which governs your programs and perceptions. Your conscious mind, responsible for analyzing and goal setting, makes up only about 5% of total consciousness. Bridging the gap between the two is where the magic happens! You can suddenly reach your goals with much less resistance and go from knowing something to truly believing it.
The mind loves what is familiar. Change can literally feel life threatening to us. We often find ourselves stuck in these cycles - in relationship with ourselves and others. Remember that we are hardwired for survival and it's programmed to keep us “safe”. Accessing the subconscious mind, using PSYCH-K®or other modalities of energy psychology, allows us to rewrite these programs in any area of our life. To essentially create our own perceptions, therefore creating our own reality.
All of this to say...change your thoughts, change your world.
Be the change you wish to see in the world :)
To life-enhancing beliefs,
For more on the Biology of Belief check out Bruce Lipton here.